Rehabilitation and physiotherapy in times of pandemic

Like it or not, physical therapy is an important part of treatment for many conditions and vital to regain quality of life for those who suffer from chronic pain. The ongoing pandemic (covid-19) has presented many challenges but also opportunities how we can conduct physical therapy going forward.

Stopping the rehabilitation process can be harmful to the patient’s health, but how can we protect physiotherapists and patients who are especially exposed to the coronavirus because they cannot keep a safe distance? 

To answer this point we talk about Curest VR and telerehabilitation: it allows not only to perform exercises at a distance, but also to personalize the treatment and make a constant diagnosis and follow-up. So, what are the main advantages for doctors and rehabilitators? And for patients?

One of the main advantages of Curest VR is the possibility of offering and performing rehabilitation remotely and by doing so avoiding risk of infection for both health professionals and patients. But beyond prevention and protection, there are many other advantages. The Curest e-health platform offer a great deal of precise rehab data, constantly updated in real time, which allows professionals greater control over the evolution of the treatments, as well as more precise adaptation and personalization for each patient.  

Statistics showing performed number of exercises and improvement of range of motion (ROM)

Motivation and co-responsibility with the treatment are other advantages for patients, who can feel more involved in their improvement and evolution. This motivation, together with the possibility of incorporating a certain level of gamification and the attraction that in many cases the use of innovative technology has, achieve more adherence and a lower rate of abandonment, and therefore the sessions are more effective. 

Get a certain result & it´s time to level up!

Last but not least, digital rehabilitation adds a plus of economic sustainability to the health and medical system, by reducing the presence in consultations and speeding up waiting lists. No matter where the patient lives or financial situation, everybody has the same chance of getting quality rehab.

Curest VR - telemedicine kit


Elitidrottare rehabiliterar med Curest VR


Soliga Karlstad börjar med VR-rehab!